Sunday, May 19, 2013

Snail mail Madness :)

Crowded with all the stuffs for my weekly snail mailing i am most happiest to be drawn on each thoughts and rituals of sharing whatever skills i have when it comes to letter writing. I love the thought of the recipient getting the decorated mail i sent with and sealed with stamps...real stamps on a computerized world. :)

Here are some photos of the thought i call... snail mail madness :)

Decorate an envelope...from decorated...washi...lace...fabric..oil tapes... to nice colored pens...what a JOY!

sweet sweet greeting cards...note tags collections...for sending out thoughts and warmth! :)

Looking at it...sharing bit and pieces of it... the ART of Snail Mail LIVES on and on... :)

:) enJOYing....Snail mailing... :)