I started my journal, diary daily planner, filo fax journal on my mid high school life jotting, doodling, creating, saving my thoughts on this handy sacred informal journals. Unconventional, no boundaries, untainted of the bits and pieces of what i rightfully call...MY LIFE!...nothing grand nor poetic nor a pro writer... just bold, free, fun thoughts of the so called DAILY happenings in life. Stickers, pens, colored markers,trinkets such as tickets, receipts, candy-chocolate wrappers, tags that would help me remember YOU who took part coloring my gray life. How funny that i have my own version, mock-up, replica of cut and paste glue-it-all SMASH BOOK. When everyone else is looking shiny shimmering make-ups, clothing, shoes... i would embarked myself looking for my perfect dairy-daily-planner-journal... ONE YEAR of good and bad, joy and sorrow, fun and boredom,weaknesses and strengths, this and that... all written, glued, shared in this little book called...journal...LIFE!

Cut...paste...dooodle...jot it down...write it... EVERYTHING...

a little more...more... :)

EN-JOY life at its simplest! :)
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